Monday, November 11, 2013

Booking Tickets

So we've booked lots of flights online before, but these were a little nerve wracking, it means were going.  The funny part was, it was about 11:45 on a Sunday night and we finally had our flight selected, seats selected for all of us, when we realize hmmm does our delta credit card have a high enough limit to buy four round trip tickets to India.  The answer was no, so we call, thinking what are we really going to be able to do at 11:45 pm on a Sunday night.  Well, you actually don't need to talk to a live person to get your credit limit upped.  I got into an automated system, answered a few questions including, what would you like your new limit to be.  So I look at L, what would we like our new limit to be?  So we pick a round number over what the tickets will cost, and then the automated system says you've been approved. So I look at L and say we've been approved we can buy them in 15 minutes. Who would have thought!
So now we have round trip tickets to Delhi, and one way to Hyderabad from Delhi.  Let the planning continue.

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