Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We Made It!

We arrived, and so did all our luggage.  The kids were great on the long flights (2 x about 8 hours, 1 x 2 hours), including T sleeping for about 5 hrs on the second one!  Screens on the back of each seat on the airplane and being able to select your own movie, priceless!

The kids asked some interesting questions at the airport, mostly about the toilets and some of the clothes.  I'll post pictures of the western and eastern style toilets once we get our full internet access up and running.

We landed in Hyderabad at 9 am today (Dec 31) and were met by one of L's coworkers and a driver.  The kids got in the car and looked in the front seat and said the guys on the wrong side!  We answered with they drive on the other side of the road too.  The drive to the apartment was interesting,  leaving the airport you'd think you were in florida with the trees and flowers and highway. The highways were pretty empty for 10 am by the time we were on the road.   The landscape is interesting, lots of boulders (I'll take pictures another time).  Then came the traffic on the city/local streets, chaos is a way I would definitely describe it. It will be interesting to see that while we're here.

We have arrived at the apartment, explored a little, took naps, which we woke up from but couldn't get the kids to wake up till about 8 pm local time.  So we're watching a movie, and hopefully will get them to bed just after new years (local time here) which is in 2.5 hours.

Lots to explore tomorrow, we've been told there is a supermarket we can walk to tomorrow so that should be interesting.

Happy New Year to all from Hyderabad, India.

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