Wednesday, January 1, 2014


So we used the washing machine last night, yes its in the kitchen and is tiny.  We had to look up the owners manual online last, thank goodness for the internet.  Then the debate was whether or not to run a clothes line outside at 10 pm on the balcony or hang them inside.  Seeing as most of the clothes were the kids, I was worried they'd blow off the 5th story balcony.  So this was our solution and we turned on the ceiling fan.


  1. Nice job on drying the clothes!! maybe get some clips from the supermarket and hang your clothes on the balcony so they don't fly away --
    when you are in the supermarket, remember to hold your kids hands at all time!!!!
    I am loving your blogs!! keep it up..

  2. I cant wait to see my undies hanging in your kitchen!
    Love ya, Mom
