Sunday, January 19, 2014

Paneer in Creamy Tomato Sauce

This is a take off from a recipe I found for Paneer Makhani here with some modifications, mainly because I forgot to buy one of the spices, another one I bought I'm not sure was correct, I didn't have cream but had yogurt, and I had fresh tomatoes.  Having not tried paneer before, I didn't know what to expect, it was very tasty. Creamy/cheese but since I pan fried it first (like I do tofo) it was crispy on the outside, yum!

1 tbsp butter
1/2 tsp fenugreek (what i bought was not the leaf, it was really hard, but was fine in the sauce and I didn't notice any hard chunks in the final sauce)
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
~ 2 cups of fresh tomatos (blanched to remove skins and core and chopped/mashed) - canned puree could be used too
1/2 tsp of turmeric powder
1/2 tsp of chilli powder (modify for your spice level)
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2  - 3/4 cup yogurt
200 grams of paneer (whatever size package you get)

Cumin is in a lot of the paneer recipes and would be tasty in this too.  Also to increase the heat, chilis could be added to the sauce.

1.  Heat butter in pan, add fenugreek, ginger paste and garlic paste. Cook for a minute or two, careful not to burn the garlic.
2. Add tomatos, tumeric, chili, S&P and let simmer to reduce while you cook the paneer.
3. Pan fry the paneer in a little oil to get a crispy outside.
4. To prevent curdling, take a little bit of the warm tomato sauce and add it to the yogurt, to temper it. Then add it to the sauce.
5. Add the fried paneer into the sauce and simmer to heat through and serve.

I left some of the paneer cubes out of the sauce for the kids to try and one preferred it that way, the other preferred it in the sauce.   We ate this with rice, green beans and corn.


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