Sunday, January 19, 2014


A friend from work suggested this way to make lentils. So we tried it, and the kids liked it.

Lentils (I used mixed lentils)
Olive oil
Onion (1/2 of one chopped)
1 tsp Garlic Paste
~ 1 cup Tomato puree (or fresh tomatos cored, blanched to remove skins, chopped/mashed)
1 tsp Tumeric
Salt and pepper

1. Cook lentils to consistency you like. I used mixed lentils and cooked them on the stove. You could also use a pressure cooker ( but I don't have one here and to be honest don't know how to use one). The mixed lentils on the stove were easy.
In separate pot:
2. Heat olive oil, saute onion and garlic paste.
3. Add tomato puree/mashed tomatos.
4. Add tumeric and S&P to taste and simmer.
5. When lentils are ready, drain them, mash a little and add to sauce.

We served these with naan (or other bread, roti, etc) which were used as "pinchers" is what we call them. You pinch the lentils with the bread and eat them.   You could also serve with rice.

Ginger would also be a nice addition.

1 comment:

  1. Beth - Ask your father about the old family recipe for stuffed lentils.

    Enjoying reading about your India experiences!

