Wednesday, January 22, 2014


We've been enjoying some Indian snacks, here are some of the one's we have stocked in the apartment:

This is one of the first treats we bought. It comes with three sauces to add to it. Yummy.  We were afraid it was going to be very very spice but it has a nice level of heat.
Spiced chick peas. I've made some of these at home but not spiced like these.  

We first tasted these at a festival in early January.   Then I went to the store and there were a bunch on sale.  Kind of like peanut brittle but made with things like Till (sesame seed), groundnut (peanut),  and jaggery (is a traditional less processed sugar which comes in a block(s)).
T's friends mom made some of these and then we fournd them at the store too.   I think its cumin seeds in theme that give them the nice flavor.  T''s friends mom said she'd teach me to make these and laddoos (which K loves).  Laddoos are also part of K and T's favorite Indian cartoon (that they watch in hindi). 

And then there's good old fashioned peanuts or groundnuts.  Raw groundnuts.  They're good, then I decided to roast some, and by roast I mean I threw them in the hot pan after making grilled cheese just to see what they would do to the taste. yummy.  Why not, most of the recipes I was looking at for laddoos this week called for toasting sesame seeds or peanuts, so i thought what the heck.  We do have honey, I may need to play around with honey roasted peanuts!

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