Saturday, January 18, 2014

Random things from this week

They don't do this for the same reason we do at home (so they don't freeze to the window).  It shows you that the driver cleaned the car while you were gone,  the wipers stay up while the windows dry.  I had to ask someone, since MI was going through the polar vortex at the time.

 I'm not sure I had cut a Papaya open before.  We had one this week. Check out the spiky seed inside the pods.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth
    first time we have logged in to your blog. Looks like you are making the most of your time there and embracing the local food.
    Nice that the kids have made some friends too.
    Toilets in that part of the world are always different ,to say the least!
    In some of the outer villages in Vietnam ,the women , would come up to me and touch my face. It is because I have blue eyes and fair skin.Quite common,but never malicious or threatening.
    Continue enjoying your time in India
    Carol from Camden Court
