Wednesday, January 15, 2014

At the pool

So its winter in Hyderabad.  So when K asked one of the girls she met if they go swimming and the girl replied in the summer, she was bummed!  But Tuesday was a holiday so some kids got in the pool.

If you stand around in the sun long enough you want to get in, then you remember its getting down to the 50's or low 60's at night and the pools not heated.   The kids are cold blooded I think as the cold doesn't seem to bug them, well at least not K. 
And the "pièce de résistance", the swimming caps required for long haired people. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth, Nice to see the pics!! Just went on your blog today to check out. OK, so why do they like to take pictures of the kids?? And then I saw Amandeep's post to hold the kids hands in the store. Oh my, be careful with the kids. Will try to log on everyday, but will check at least a couple times a week. Have fun and be safe!!! Marianne
