Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, The Freezer, Beer vs Wine, The Phone

L's birthday was yesterday.  He doesn't really feel the need to celebrate it, the kids though do!   hence the crown and necklace and decorations.

So we baked a cake in our convection/microwave oven.  Didn't ice it, since we couldn't find icing and I don't have a ton of kitchen equipment (no electric mixer) to make them.  We did buy ice cream to serve with it, but..... our freezer seems to be on the fritz.  We bought the ice cream at 4:30 pm and it was pretty much liquid in our freezer by 8 pm that night.  So it was a snack with leftover cake today, when for some reason the freezer started working again!

K was itching to decorate really early yesterday, like noon.
K - "Mom we haven't decorated yet".
Me - "Dad won't be home for 7 hours and we need to go buy tape"
K - "But we need to decorate, I'm blowing up balloons."

So we headed out in a rickshaw the three of us (T, K, me) to a nearby supermarket (to buy decorations) that has a wine/beer/liquor stand (I wouldn't classify it as a store) next to it.   We bought some Kingfisher beer which much cheaper than wine.  Four bottles of wine cost us $65 US.  Four 750 ml bottles of beer cost me 400 rupees the equivalent of about $6.50 US.   Plus, if we make Indian food for dinner, wine just doesn't seem to go well with spice, but beer sounds good.

L's coworker from the Hyderabad office came over for dinner last night. We ordered Papa Johns pizza.  So the pizza was taking a long time to be delivered (everything can and is delivered here).  Well see, we unplugged the phone that was plugged into the wall when we got here and plugged it into our VOIP phone box here so that our home number rings the phone here (please remember there's a 10.5 hr time change but you're welcome to call it).  Well when we did that, it means that security has no way to call our apartment, to for instance tell us that Papa Johns delivery is here.  So now we have learned that we need to call security and let them know the delivery is coming and likely plug a phone back into the wall!  This is a good lesson to learn as I just placed an online order for some groceries that will be delivered tomorrow.

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