Friday, January 31, 2014


So driving has been an adventure in both India and Sri Lanka. We don't drive we are driven.  The Sri Lankan auto rickshaws are called Tuk-Tuks and they are much more colorful that the ones we've seen in Hyderabad, which are all yellow.  In Sri Lanka we have seen green, blue, pink, black, red, and only one or two yellows.  They seem to have better seating for the drivers and are more up to date, more bling including advertisements and some of them have some sound systems in them!

The driving we've seen mostly has been on smaller roads, where busses, tuk-tuks, motorcycles and cars share the road.  And they pass a lot. Its a game of chicken sometimes or it feels like it. I'm glad I'm not driving.

The stereo on this one was pounding!

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