Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sri Lanka, an island paradise and an emotional visit.

While this was in fact a family beach vacation for us, it was also a personal journey for me.   Sri Lanka was the spot my Great uncle and namesake Leonard Birchall, flew out of in WW2.   While he was only in country for 2 days before being shot down by the Japanese and beginning his arduous journey as a POW.  Sri Lanka was and is intertwined with his legacy.  The actions he and his crew took that fait full day would save the inland and the fleet stations there from significant destruction.    With distance and age between myself and my "Uncle Len" I only have a few personal meetings with him that stick in my memory.  He was a caring and direct person and even in his 80s drove his station wagon like a bat out of hell.   The rest of my image of my namesake is from books and stories from my father over the years.   I think of the life a lot of my generation has lived and I am truly thankful that I have never been tested in such a way.  I hope that if I was I would react with such courage and tenacity.   I try to approach the more mundane challenges of my everyday life with a level of confidence and leadership that I hope would make him proud.

Flying in to the island the sky specked with a few clouds I had an erie feeling of what the men flying that day must have been enjoying before the source of their history changed.    Thankfully for us the anything eventful about our flight was a bit of a bump on landing.

The landscape was markedly different then what we had left in Hyderabad, India.  The lush tropical island whizzed by with rolling hills covered in coconut palms as we drove toward our Villa.   Once we arrived at Ridee Villa we truly were on a island paradise.  

Within steps from the beach and treated to holpitaltiuy beyond expectation our stay was exceptional.   We had a tour of the old city of Galle and the fort in a Wolseley convertible that must have been circa 1960s.  My father would have been in love.

After a few days of sun and fun on the beach eating fresh fruit and seafood and drinking local Lion beer we had arranged access to the Koggala airbase with the help of Sumith from Ridee who had send our letter fax to the CO of the Air force and Minister of Defense.   Within one day of that we had a response and an appointment the next day at 2 pm to enter the base.   A quick car ride had us arrive at the base and we were shown to the monument 

After that short but emotional and very very rewarding visit we headed back to our hotel and continued to revel in the tropical heat and beach life.   I can see why Len enjoyed the time he spent visiting and working to help improve the life of the people here.   They are so friendly and easy going we had a great time.   If you get an opportunity to visit this area take it.   If you need a place to stay go to Ridee and say high to Sumith and Vasana for us.

Info on Len.

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