Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We're Wedding Crashers, sort of!

So as usual we go to the park in our apartment complex around 5:30 each night.  Yesterday when we went we were told there was a party that night and a wedding the next night (tonight).  Our apartment complex has three buildings. The third building is attached to the club house which includes the pool, a grassy area, and the play area.  This area can be rented out for events. Well tonight's event was a wedding. When we went down to play at the park tonight (with Grandparents in tow who had arrived in India just this morning) there had a been quiet a transformation. The stage that is usually backed by a nondescript white wall was decorated with ornate structures and there were chairs and tables and buffets setup.  There was also what looked like a decorated carriage minus the wheels that the bride would be carried in on!  Needless to say, K really wanted to stay to see the Bride but it was getting late.

So we headed back to the apartment. The kids watched some TV. My Dad and I went next door to order dinner and on our way back we asked the security guards what time the wedding was going to start.  They said, ahh marriage, 9 pm.  Well that's late for our kids.  We ate dinner and then offered to take the kids down for a few minutes around 8:30 to see what was going on.  We walked down to go see the decorations, the lights (!), and the crowd (weddings are not small events).  We ended up staying until about 9:20 to see some of the festivities.  We saw the bride carried in and heard the chanting and the music.  I have no idea what they were saying.  We did confirm it was a Hindi wedding but that was about it.

I brought the good camera down so here are some pictures.  We felt very fortunate to see this special event and what a neat experience for my parents who arrived today!

Oh did I mention there were fireworks! Did you have fireworks at your wedding?

This usually is a nondescript white wall.

This is normally where the kids run around. 

What the bride will be carried in on. 

Greeting the guests. 

The get-away car parked out side.  No just married sign though. 

The stage after dark. 

The bride being carried in.  The men in red were carrying her. See the lights, they're on other peoples heads. Now that is an entrance!  I hope K's not hoping for one of these one day!

Part of the ceremony. There was a lot of chanting.  
This was about when we left.  A lot of people were going up on the stage, I'm guessing to congratulate or help bless the couple. 

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