Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Golkonda Fort

A fort built in 1143 west of Hyderabad built right into the local rock.  Some really cool acoustics were built into various rooms in this fort, which included the King and Queen's palace.  Clapping from the watch house at the top of the hill could be heard at the gate house at the bottom. In some rooms, you could talk into a corner and the people in the diagonal corner could hear you clearly.  And we experimented with echo's in a lot of places.
Here are some pictures.  The one of the two kids pulling on a block, was a test to get into the army in the fort, it weighs 250kg.

1 comment:

  1. Looks so cool..I love to see the history in india too -- keep uploading those pictures.. Oh, and you must check out the 'film city' in Hyderabad too, and perhaps an indian movie in a movie theatre too!!
