Monday, March 3, 2014

For my construction friends

So in our drives around the city I keep snapping (or trying to as we whiz by) pictures of interesting construction techniques.  Some (most) of these would not fly at home. L continues to laugh at me as I take these pictures and say, I have to show these to people at work I say.

Bamboo is used for scaffolding a lot in Hyderabad.  I didn't see any actual wood planks here (did in Sri Lanka but not Hyderabad).  There were these "stores" along the roadside selling the bamboo.  Some of the larger buildings were using steel scaffolding, some not.

 This is the view of a construction project from the playground at the mall that was near us.  That's T's head watching the work.  The second picture below is a close up a man using a jack hammer to remove concrete from a column.  I'm not sure he's wearing shoes and there is definitely no eye protection. The platform he was standing on looked a little suspect too.

 Miscellaneous things:

I never did get a picture, but several times I saw men digging trenches usually next to the road, I'm guessing for some type of utility connection based on where they were.  But it was usually one guy in the hole, dug to a depth where you could only see his head sticking out, and was probably as wide as his shoulders.  Others stood around and watched him, but I'm sure there wasn't any supports in there.

Here are some other random things:
No covering on the sand when transported, and filled to the top!
This one was in Agra, leaving the Taj Mahal.  The men were chipping the facade off the brick. Note the lack of eye protection and working on flip flops. 

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