Thursday, April 6, 2017

Survived Tornado Watch and Warning Last Night

So we knew there was a storm coming in last night. I was saved from getting completely soaked in the unheated outdoor pool by thunder!  And we knew the rains were about to set in, so we headed out to dinner.  The three adults were aware there was a Tornado watch in effect till 8. It was 6 pm.  About 5 minutes outside Pirateland (where we are staying) both Len's and my phone's emergency alerts go off.  It announced that a Tornado Warning was in effect until 7 pm.  Those driving or in mobile home parks should seek immediate shelter in a sturdy building.  The notice also said that the storm could bring damage and/destroy mobile homes.  Now usually you can ignore those, but we were staying in an RV.  Good thing we were headed out to dinner.  So we found the closest restaurant, an Italian restaurant.  No one else looked concerned.  But we were happy to be inside.  It was getting windy. No rain yet.  The radar did show a nasty band of storms headed our way.  The Tornado warning was for most of North Carolina and 8 counties of South Carolina, including the the one we were in. 

Dinner was uneventful, we left after the warning was lifted and it wasn't raining yet.  We drove around downtown myrtle beach and then headed back to the campsite.  It started raining pretty good now!  And the lightening was really bright, especially through the glass part of the sunroof in our rental car!

The good news about camping near the beach, the ground drains really well as we're on sand.  It rained really hard and all night long.  The wind was pretty strong, as I could hear the neighbors flag flapping as we went to bed.  It was sleeping in a tent, you could hear all the rain drops, but without the threat of getting wet!

And the morning after the storm this is the sunrise, well after sunrise, but this is when the sun came through the clouds. And now we have a cloudless day but windy.

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