Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Surprise - We're going in an RV

The kids knew we were going to a beach, they didn't know which beach.  They knew Mimi (Len's Mom) was coming with us and that we weren't taking a plane.   I'm pretty sure they thought we were renting a condo somewhere by the stuff we were packing, sheets, blankets, towels, food, etc.  They did not expect us to drive up in this.....

Here's what the surprise looked like from inside the RV.....

And here is a picture of all of us right before we left for the trip to Myrtle Beach.


  1. THAT IS AWESOME!!! Love the video... I was laughing along with both of you :) Hope you are having a great time.

  2. This is Fabulous! I love the video too! Have a wonderful fun time with your RV, looking forward to following your blog! Jan
