Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Ocean and its many treasures

The beach here is beautiful.  One of the first things we did when we arrived Sunday night was to walk the beach.  It was 7pm, maybe 65 degrees and the kids ended up fully submerged in the water and loved it!

Beautiful sunset

Please note i'm in a fleece zipped up and my daughter is in the ocean!
I don't think kids feel cold!
You said go ahead and get soaked right mom?
hahahaha NO!

We have discovered many treasures on the beach.  We've walked the beach in the morning a low(ish) tide and found jelly fish the last three days.   On the first day, Katelyn insisted we try to save one and put him back in the water.  Today we found one with its tentacles still in the sand so we're hoping he survives.

And the shells!  Wow I don't remember seeing shells this thick before. And the orange color we're finding are beautiful.  

Here are some other adventures on the beach 

The blowing sand on the beach with the tide pools. 

Kite flying on a crazy windy day. Day after the storm. 

Exploring with Mimi. 

What have we found here? I have no idea what they were exploring! 

Beautiful sunny morning.